

Years Of Experience


New Society Reconstruction & Development Organization

New Society Reconstruction & Development Organization (NSRDO) is a civil, nongovernmental, nonpolitical & nonprofit organization, founded by a team of committed Afghan citizens. The main areas of focus of the organization are equal access to justice and services for women, reduction of domestic violence, rehabilitation of battered women and abused children. We also work in peace building, enhancement of democracy, defending of human rights, Health and Education. NSRDO commenced its operations in 2005 in the Northern province of Baghlan. Since then, (NSRDO) has been operating in Kabul and other provinces of Afghanistan and has regional offices in Kunduz, and Jalalabad along with its head office in Kabul. NSRDO was registered in the Ministry of Planning, by decision no (951) dated 25/6/1383 and entitled to work in the capital Kabul and other provinces. This is also reregistered in the Ministry of Economy by decision no (598) dated 8/6/06.

Furthermore, NSRDO is registered in Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Martyrs and Disabled (MoLSAMD), Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, US Embassy and European Commission. The DUNS and European Aid ID number (PADOR) of the organization is 123456787 and AF-2013-DJG- 0801607787 respectively. In order to organize its activities, NSRDO has a special logo, Articles of Association, Strategy, Policies, and procedures in place. NSRDO has an appropriate Organizational Structure. Which consists of Directory and Advisory Boards? Advisory Board comprises the Director of the organization as the only member of the organization while other members are nonpartisan or neutral experts. The Organization has a specific Strategic Mission & Vision which are described below.

Our Mission, Vision, Goal

New Society Reconstruction & Development Organization

Vision Statement

NSRDO envisions developed, empowered, civilized and socioeconomically well stabilized Afghan communities that stand on the pillars of democracy. A society in which women and men can have equal access to public services, justice and education is a vision, which we vigorously follow. We desire a society that stands on the pillars of democracy and individual freedoms. In such a society men women and children can live side by side without fear of persecution and suppression.

NSRDO was established to enhance access to justice forth battered and abused women and to protect children from the rampant abuse so dominant in Afghan society. Therefore, it is our mission to reduce and hopefully eliminate the menace of domestic violence and child abuse from our society. To reach our noble goals, we need to educate the public about the psychological impacts of such abuses on the lives of infected families and society. Since its establishment in 2005, we have strived to fulfill our promises to the public and to ourselves. Afghanistan has seen more than 40 years of unabated conflict, 13 years of devastating drought, severe malnourishment and poverty. For three decades the Afghan people have been abused under many guises, pretexts and names. There are an alarming number of people suffering from mental, psychological and physical traumas. It is safe to say that over 50% of Afghan people are suffering from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The mass exodus, internal displacements, loss of family members, imprisonments, a brutal civil war, assassinations and humiliations are only a few of the hardships endured by Afghan populace. Women and children are the most innocent victims of these interminable conflicts. Thus, it is our mission to fight against these injustices, brutalities, discriminations and inhumane treatments of humans by our fellow humans. In order to succeed, we must educate women and men about their proper places in society. We must rehabilitate those individuals imposing such horrendous brutalities over their families and the society at large. Since society comprises of both men and women, therefore they both must have equal rights and equal access to services and justice.

Indeed, no organization can succeed without clear goals and benchmarks. NSRDO has divided its goals into, short and long-term sections. The short-term goal is to create awareness about the negative impacts of domestic violence, child abuse and the benefits of access for women to justice and public services. Since women and children are key members of society, therefore equal treatment by male population, the government and the society must be recognized. Healthy women will nurture healthy children and educated women will raise educated children. In the long term, we would like to see women and children have equal access to all public services, justice, education, jobs and equal rights and treatments. It is our goal to greatly reduce discrimination and violence against women by 2020. By 2030, the Afghan woman must be completely integrated into the society’s fundamental activities and must become an integral part of decision-making process in the government and in society. Women shall establish their own organizations, media outlets, social and economic committees. To achieve our goals we have been working hand to hand with other civil society organizations in the country. We also lobby the politicians to support our ambitious aims.