Completed Projects

SN Project Name Donor Agency Start Date End Date Project Duration Province Sector
1 Supporting Afghan girls and boys to access safe schools (Construction in Paktika) UNICEF 1st April 2024 31st Dec 2024 9 Months Paktika Education
2 Consolidation and expansion of community- based education (CBE) in Badakhshan province of Afghanistan. UNICEF 1st Nov 2023 30th June 2024 8 Months Badakhshan Education
3 Concur preparation course in Nangarhar province JEN 1st June 2022 30th Nov 2022 6 Months Nangarhar Education
4 Youth Legal Education Program USIP 1st July 2021 30th June 2022 12 Months Nangarhar Education
5 Construction and Repairing of Sayed Umara Khan High School along with WASH system JEN 1st June 2022 30th Nov 2022 6 Months Kunar Infrastructure/Ed ucation
6 Legal Advocacy and outreach program CHEECHI/ ADALAT 1st Mar 2021 31st Aug 2021 6 Months Wardak GBV & Women Empowerment
7 Enterprise      Development                           Trainings                           to Counterp art 1st Mar 2017 31st Aug 2017 6 Months Bamyan Livelihood
Women in Bamyan Province Internati onal
8 Construction of Walayat girls high school JEN 1st April 2019 31st Dec 2019 9 Months Bamyan Education
9 Strengthening Women Economic and rights building Project PRT 1st March 2018 30th Aug 2018 6 Months Parwan & Panjsher Protection
10 Provision of vocational trainings and awareness raising of vulnerable women groups ISAF/PRT 1st April 2017 30th Sept 2017 6 Months Jawzjan Protection
11 Construction     of     Kandhari                               village                               Girls secondary school EQUIP 1st April 2016 30th Oct 2016 7 Months Kunduz Education
12 Construction of Shinwari High School in Kunduz EQUIP 1st March 2015 30th Sept 2015 7 Months Kunduz Education
13 Capacity Building Seed Grant Counterp art Int 15th Jan 2013 30th June 2013 6 Months Paktiya Capacity Building
14 Teacher Training Program DAI 13th March 2013 12th June 2013 3 Months Kunduz Education
15 Repairing of Karezak high school GIZ 1st May 2013 30th Aug 2013 4 Months Paghman Education
16 Provision of education and supplemental health for malnutrition of child, pregnant women GIZ 1st March 2012 31st Dec 2012 10 Months Kabul (Estalif) Education /Nutrition
172 1 Operation & Management of a Shelter for Human Trafficking Victims in Jalalabad IOM 5th Mar 2011 31st Dec 2011 10 Months Nangarhar, Laghman, Kunar and Nuristan Protection
18 Floriculture Training Program for Women (ASGP Grant) US Embassy 1st May 2011 31st Aug 2011 4 Months Baghlan Agriculture
19 Public Education on Constitutional Rights of Women US Embassy 1st Mar 2011 31st July 2011 5 Months Baghlan GBV & Women Empowerment
20 Gender Violence – Let’s stop it! UNIFEM- ECW 1st Oct 2010 30th June 2011 9 Months Baghlan GBV & Women Empowerment
21 Voter Education Project in Baghlan Province US Embassy 1st July, 2010 30th September, 2010 3 Months Baghlan Election
22 2010 Parliamentary Election Observation Project FEFA 1st September, 2010 30th November, 2010 3 Months Baghlan Election
23 Presidential Election Observation Project FEFA 1st September 2009 30th November, 2009 3 Months Baghlan Election
24 Construction and drilling of 150 water wells PRT 15th April 2008 15th Oct 2008 7 Months Farah WASH
25 Vocational & Capacity Building Courses in Kunduz ASMED- GTZ 1st Jan 2008 31st March 2008 3 Months Kunduz Livelihood
26 Rehabilitation of Hakim Sanayee school in Ghazni Japan Embassy 1st Feb 2007 31st Dec 2007 11 Months Ghazni Education
27 Engraving & Sculpture Making Project UN- Habitat- European Commissi on 1st June 2007 30th Aug 2007 3 Months Baghlan, Kunduz, Takhar & Badakhshan Provinces Vocational Training (Livelihood)
28 Vocational Training Center in Tala Wa Barfak USAID- ASMED 1st Jan 2007 31st Dec 2007 12 Months Baghlan Vocational Training (Livelihood)
29 Educational workshops about Parliamentary Elections for students JEMB 1st Sept 2006 30th Oct 2006 2 Months Baghlan Election
30 Peace Building Workshops for Women in Baghlan DED 1st July 2006 31st July 2006 1 Month Baghlan Peace building